- Jitesh Vasavada, Harsh Kumar Narula, Sushil Mishra, T.K. Nandy, Asim Tewari, “Development of novel Moving Wave Front image processing algorithm and microstructural quantification of Tungsten Heavy Alloy”, Computational MaterialsScience, Volume 170, 2019, ISSN 0927-0256
- C Shanta, N Harsh, M Bhargava, P Prita, M Sushil, “Development of materials model based on microstructure evolution for formability analysis of low-Ni austenitic stainless steel” ,2015 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 82 012017
- Dye Sensitized Solar Cells: A Review Ajay Jena, Shyama Prasad Mohanty, Pragyensh Kumar, Johns Naduvath, Vivekanand Gondane, P. Lekha, Jaykrushna Das, Harsh Kumar Narula, S. Mallick, P. Bhargava, Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society , Vol. 71, Iss. 1, 2012
Conference Presentations
- “Synthetic microstructure realizations with Random Texture”, International Congress on 3D Materials Science (3DMS) 2016, Illinois, USA
- “Reconstructing 3D polycrystalline microstructure from Diffraction Contrast Tomography”, International Conference on Recrystallization and Grain Growth (ReX&GG 2016), Pennsylvania, USA
- “Recursive Centroid Tessellations (RCT) and Its Applications to microstructure simulations”, NMD 2016, IIT Kanpur
- R.G.Shah, H.K.Narula, S.K. Mishra, S.K. Saha, Simulation of Thermomechanical Treatment for Development of Advanced High Strength Steels, Seminar on automotive steels, Jadavpur university, Aug 2014
- Santosh Kumar, Varuna Kakathkar, H.K. Narula, K.Narasimhan, S.K.Mishra, Formability Analysis of TWIP Steels for Automotive Applications, Seminar on automotive steels, Jadavpur university, Aug 2014
- H. K. Narula, A. Tewari, S.Mishra, A Set of Algorithms for Generating Uniform Random Microstructure, 68th Annual Technical Meeting on 52nd National Metallurgists' Day, College of Engineering Pune, Nov 13, 2014
- Pooja N. Shah, H.K Narula, S.Mishra, Microstructural Dependence of the Thermo-mechanical Properties of CRGO Steels , 68th Annual Technical Meeting on 52nd National Metallurgists' Day, College of Engineering Pune, Nov 13, 2014
Other Articles
- "Micromechanical Failures in Composites" for NCAIR which was featured in the NCAIR newsletter (Vol 3 Issue 1):
- "An algorithm for generating multiple images montage for stereological analysis " for NCAIR newsletter (Vol 3 Issue 3):